Notice Of Annual General Meeting

Kolkata Insurance Institute

(Since 21st January, 2016)

Formerly Indian Insurance Society

(Since 15st August, 1944)

Royal Insurance Building (Ground Floor)

5, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata – 700001.

Phone : 033 2231-4096/9225

Website :

Circular No. : AGM/2022-2023

04st May, 2023

Notice is hereby given that the 78th Annual General Meeting of the Institute will be held at the Learning Centre of the Institute at the Ground Floor of Royal Insurance Building, 5, N.S. Road, Kolkata — 700 001 on Thursday, the 8th June 2023 at 05.45 p.m. to transact the following business : –

1. To confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 16″ June, 2022.

2. To adopt the Report of the Committee and the Audited Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31stMarch, 2023.

3. To appoint Auditors for 2023-2024.

4. To transact any other business that may be brought forward by the Chairman or of which due notice hasbeen given.

5. To elect the Committee for the year 2023-2024.

Election to the Committee for the session 2023-2024

Members willing to serve the Committee for the session 2023-2024, if elected, are requested to send their nomination form between 29th May, 2023 and 2nd June, 2023 to the undersigned at the Institute’s office between 05.00 p.m. and 07 p.m.

A candidate who has offered for election is free to withdraw up to 01.30 p.m. on 5th June, 2023. Thereafter if the nominations exceeds the number of seats for the Committee { 11 numbers ), ballot papers will be prepared with the remaining names and distributed among the members present at the Annual General Meeting for recording their votes. The votes will be counted and the result of the selection will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.

If election becomes necessary for administrative convenience, polling will start from 02.30 p.m. and will continue till 06.00 p.m. on 08thJune, 2023 at the Institute’s Office.

Members are requested to carefully note that the rights of voting or being either a candidate seeking election for the session 2023-2024 or a proposer or seconder of nominations as such shall be restricted to those whose names will be in the member’ list as on 31.03.2023. The Voters List will be prepared with the names of the members who are Members of our Institute as on 31/03/2023.

However, it has also been decided by the Committee that no member shall be eligible to propose or second any nomination of participate in the election as a candidate, if his/her name does not appear in the above Voters’ / Member’s list.

By Order of the Committee


Hony. General Secretary

Mobile No. : 98311 84905/ 98310 84905

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